Ra’am cannot fall below electoral threshold, meaning no clear majority for pro or anti Netanyahu blocs

Ra’am cannot fall below electoral threshold, meaning no radical changes likely

According to the Times of Israel, while the currently available election results aren’t final and based on some 88% of the votes, it is notable that no party can mathematically fall below the electoral threshold anymore, meaning that any further changes would be limited to moving a single seat from one party to another. The chances of any bloc getting a 61-strong Knesset majority are very slim since the biggest feasible bloc — Netanyahu’s supporters plus Yamina — stands currently at 59 seats, needing to swing two seats.

Even the smallest party, Ra’am — which was last night predicted to fail to make it into the Knesset in all exit polls — has received enough votes to guarantee it won’t fall below the electoral threshold of 3.25% of the votes.

Even if all remaining votes are for parties that pass the threshold and none are for Ra’am, the party will have at least 13,000 votes above the threshold.