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Times for Shabbos Parashat Tzav and the first day of Pesach

Times for Shabbos Parashat Tzav and the first day of Pesach

These are the times of entry and exit of Shabbat Parashat Tzav 10 Nissan and the first Yom Tov of Pesach 5771, including the time of burning chametz, the end of the time of eating chametz and Chatzos for eating the afikoman.

Israel (daylight saving time):

Jerusalem – end of sreifas chametz time 11:31, entrance 18:19, end 19:32, end of chametz eating time 10:17, end of biur chametz time 11:30, Chatzos 12:44, ends – 19:32

Tel Aviv – end of sreifas chametz time 11:33, entrance 18:34, end 19:34, end of chametz eating time 10:18, end of biur chametz time 11:32, Chatzos 12:45, ends – 19:34

Modi’in Illit – end of sreifas chametz time 11:32, entrance 18:28, end 19:33, end of chametz eating time 10:17, end of biur chametz time 11:31, Chatzos 12:44, ends – 19:33

Beit Shemesh – end of sreifas chametz time 11:17, entrance 18:17, end 19:33, end of chametz eating time 10:18, end of biur chametz time 11:31, Chatzos 12:44, ends – 19:33

Haifa – end of sreifas chametz time 11:32, entrance 18:25, end 19:34, end of chametz eating time 10:18, end of biur chametz time 11:31, Chatzos 12:45, ends – 19:34

Tzfas – end of sreifas chametz time 11:30, entrance 18:28, end 19:32, end of chametz eating time 10:16, end of biur chametz time 11:29, Chatzos 12:42, ends – 19:32

Be’er Sheva – end of sreifas chametz time 11:33, entrance 18:26, end 19:34, end of chametz eating time 10:18, end of biur chametz time 11:32, Chatzos 12:45, ends – 19:33

Around the world:

Paris – end of sreifas chametz time 11:42, entrance 18:54, end 20:02, end of chametz eating time 10:26, end of biur chametz time 11:41, Chatzos 12:55, ends – 21:03

London – end of sreifas chametz time 10:51, entrance 18:08, end 19:16, end of chametz eating time 9:35, end of biur chametz time 10:51, Chatzos 12:05, ends – 20:19

New York – end of sreifas chametz time 11:47, entrance 18:56, end 19:57, end of chametz eating time 10:32, end of biur chametz time 11:47, Chatzos 1:00, ends – 19:57

Uman – end of sreifas chametz time 10:50, entrance 18:03, end 19:10, end of chametz eating time 9:35, end of biur chametz time 10:49, Chatzos 12:03, ends – 20:12