N.Y Time: July 27, 2024 4:20 am

Rivlin calls for ‘unusual alliances’, speaks of healing the nation

Rivlin calls for ‘unusual alliances’, speaks of healing the nation

President Reuven Rivlin called upon the parties to form alliances that are not considered normal, in a speech at the President’s Residence after receiving the official results of the March 23 election from the Central Elections Committee.

Rivlin said the ongoing political crisis had weakened Israeli democracy but would not overcome it.
“We are stronger than [the crisis] and Israeli society is stronger,” he said. “I hope our elected officials will be wise enough to listen to the people of Israel and hear their demand for unconventional alliances, cooperation between sectors and professional dedicated work for all Israeli citizens.”
Rivlin addressed concerns that his animosity for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would influence his decision.
“Over the next few days, I will consider which candidate has the best chance to form a government,” Rivlin said. “My central consideration will be those chances to build a government that will receive the trust of the Knesset, pass a budget and heal the nation.”